DIY Audio/Home Recording

Anyone with a computer can make a recording, but not everyone can make a great recording. Indie musicians should record themselves and take control of their music. However, for at least the first few projects, you need a mentor with the specialized tools, techniques, and experience to guide your home recording and show you the ropes. DIY audio is a good idea, but the results are better with expert guidance.

Pro Tools

What We Do

We mentor. We work with indie musicians, home studios, and the DIY recording community to improve your audio recordings. If you're disappointed with the way your tracks are turning out, turn to us for the experience, equipment, and facilities that can make your music sound great. Every time you work with us, you'll learn something new. We mix and master. Sometimes you just need a little advice, but frequently it takes specific tools and techniques to create the sound you're after. We market. We can even help you get started on the marketing side of your music (so you can hire us for more recordings!). We can help create your gig demo; a full CD, vinyl pressing, or web downloads; set up a web site; design merchandise; anything you need for your public image.

Why It Matters To You

We make you sound great at an affordable price and on a manageable schedule. Stretch your budget by collaborating over the Internet - we're compatible with every other professional studio and engineer.

Pro Tools


We use top-of-the-line gear from Neve, Universal Audio, Microtech-Gefell, Avid, Apple, Shure, Sony, Earthworks, and others. Pro Tools is our main digital audio workstation (DAW), and we use additional software and outboard analog equipment to de-noise, re-amp, correct pitch, compress, EQ, tone filter, etc.

We can also run analog console to analog tape.


Bayard Kohlhepp is principal engineer. He works with a circle of music professionals who supply a wide variety of complementary skills and specialized expertise.



Let's get rolling! (click to contact)


Click here for sound class


"Bayard has an amazing ear for music and attention to detail. He took my musical mess and made it into a musical masterpiece! Sensitive to my style and vision, he created more than I hoped for."
- Jordan Merrill

"Not only is Bayard a trained professional with extensive experience, he is genuinely interested in the progression of a new artist or group. He has aided us inside and outside the studio; always having a careful ear, a mindful eye, and an uncommon sincerity."
- HiTied

Pro Tools